Steatite sculpture of a man’s head.
- Accession Number 2022.18.166
- Artiste / Auteur Koperqualuk, Joanasie
- Date 1979
- Materials stone, soapstone
- Measurements 11,5 x 5 x 5 cm
Historical context
Steatite sculpture of a human head. With its distinctive style, this monolithic, neckless head presents an elongated face with thick eyebrows. Everything is expressed in simple forms, with every detail flared and broadly flattened. Even the nose, cheeks and forehead are barely raised. What’s more, the eyes, nose and mouth practically cover the width of the narrow face. As for the hair, flat and cut straight across the forehead, it c...
- Accession Number 2022.18.166
- Artiste / Auteur Koperqualuk, Joanasie
- Date 1979
- Materials stone, soapstone
- Measurements 11,5 x 5 x 5 cm
© Pointe-à-Callière Collection, Michel Noël Collection, 2022.018.166
Photo by Victor Diaz Lamich
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